Flood is a visual exploration of the increasing speed of technology and culture. Human progress has pushed us to become faster, fly higher, be smarter, and go farther. However, glitches will inevitably occur, and the sheer amount of information flooding into our modern lives threatens to overtake us. The flood may be good or bad; our destiny may be to either dam the flow, or to embrace and become one with the flood. Either way, there is no denying the water is getting higher.

Flood was created largely from public domain archival footage from Archive.org interspersed with glitchy imagery that I created by intentionally distorting image date. The sound design was also created from public domain elements found on Freesound.org. I edited the piece to have a sense of propulsion and increasing speed, with lots of disruptive glitches. I designed the video to create a sense of unease and discomfort to get the viewer into a headspace where they accept that, for good or evil, the world is changing.


Flood is a visual exploration of the increasing speed of technology and culture. I created the piece using public-domain archival video and audio Read More
